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Case Study

Pre-feasibility Power Study





Appointed by a Global Investment Fund to conduct a power connection analysis for inclusion in a pre-feasibility for the development of a Wholesale/Hyperscale Data Centre in Sweden. Working with utility providers and other stakeholders to confirm availability, lead-time and budget cost for a resilient power connection.




Our client had identified an opportunity for change-of-use of an existing light industrial facility to develop a Wholesale Data Centre in the Skåne region of Sweden.

Working directly for the investor, 


VIPA Digital were appointed to the team conducting initial pre-feasibility to review power connection requirements, availability of proximate grid capacity, provisional installation time, cost and any prevailing regulatory requirements in the target geography.



VIPA Digital worked with the Regional and Local power distribution grid operators, Business Sweden and the engineering consultant to confirm the physical dimensions, technical capacity and likely systems solutions for the proposed development


The team confirmed the size of the existing utility connection, limits of capacity at the Local grid level and options to provide connections at Regional grid level to access additional capacity and resilience


The review also incorporated the review of National Grid reinforcement plans and the potential impact on capacity in the medium term.


In addition, the review considered opportunity for the development to interconnect with the district Heating and/or Cooling systems prevalent in Scandinavia




The project confirmed power could be enabled at acceptable cost and delivered within the program of the planned redevelopment. Participation in Smart City infrastructure, although not mandatory, was to be encouraged.


The team expect to transition to support a full project feasibility and commercial business case preparation for investment appraisal, detailed design and construction.





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